
Small Business Solutions

We are proud to support small businesses and startups in and around the UK. We specialise in supplying hands-off-services, meaning you never have to worry about maintaining the hosted services that we sell.


How can JH96 Help?

Perfect question! JH96 caters for caring for small business (and yes, that includes sole traders) IT systems.

Gone are the days of dedicated servers for everything, and having your own email server “on premise”, it’s all in the cloud. We’ll guide you through what systems might work well and benefit your business, and how these can be integrated together.

Want to do it yourself?

We have noticed a huge increase in the number of individuals who now run their own business, either with a small team, and even sole traders. There aren’t a lot of hosted solution providers who are willing or able to support such businesses, yet we believe you are still important! We wanted to fill that gap, and help you get your systems back on track.


But, I don't know what systems I need?

Don’t worry at JH96 we are not just here to sell managed services, we are here to be your outsourced IT department. We handel the setup, migration and day-to-day management of your services for you (on a service level agreement). Meaning all you need todo is email or call and we do the rest.

We pride our selves is writing up a proposed solution to your problems in a nice little, easy to read document for you to review.